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Our Approach

At Black Olives Counselling Centre, we always address mental health in the context of “intergenerational experiences” within families and how it affects the lives of individuals, the family, the community, and ultimately the society. We find this crucial in understanding mental health and working with trauma. For example, in the context of Mizoram, we often look at the Mizoram insurgency as a starting point to explore shared trauma and healing for the community. 


Much of Dr. Lalropuii’s work focuses on preventive mental health support in Mizoram across different demographics. We find preventive intervention especially important among vulnerable sections of society such as disaster-struck communities and lower income groups who are often exposed to the harshest living conditions. A key example would be the preventive intervention programmes we conduct for young people from lower socio-economic backgrounds to prevent school drop-outs and possible outcomes of alcohol and drug addiction.

Our psychological counselling training and research institute conducts events through the lens of empowering communities through public programmes and workshops. This includes providing psychological counselling in Aizawl for public institutions, churches and educational centres. Dr. Puii has conducted many seminars on various themes such as “suicide prevention”, “child abuse”, “substance abuse”, “trauma and forgiveness” and and training programmes like “cognitive behavioural therapy”, to name a few.

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